Children and Young People with Mental Health Needs, Autism or Learning Disability
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  1. Children and young people mental health - an introduction

    A selection of resources for preceptorships and other healthcare professionals offering a brief and broad understanding of the range of mental health difficulties that children and young people present with. This includes how these disorders manifest and present, along with hints and tips on communication and management.

  1. Eating disorders

    A synopsis of the range of eating disorders, quick hints and tips on management, access to the most up to date evidence, guides for assessment and treatment and printable support guides.

  1. Legal frameworks

    A basic overview of the key legislation, frameworks and law. Also, offers explanations of terminology with children and young people's thoughts on these matters.

  1. Self-harm

    A collection of resources that follow a natural patient journey from understanding why children and young people self-harm and how to assess these behaviours against best practice guidance. Topics include self-harm risk, care pathways, management of self-harm and care on the ward, communication with the child or young person and alternatives and distractions to self-harm.

  1. Snapshot of certified short courses in children and young people mental health

    A collection of evidence-based materials to test broad and fundamental knowledge and skills in the understanding of children and young people mental health, learning disability or autism. Completion of each of these modules will gain a certificate.

  1. Support and supervision

    A selection of resources for healthcare professionals to reflect on practice, value-based adjustments and provide practical support to maintain wellbeing.

  1. Understanding children and young people who are autistic or have a learning disability

    Insight into differentiating between learning difficulties and a learning disability as well as a core understanding of autism, to support emergency department and paediatric staff to understand pertinent issues that may be present within their departments.

  1. Reasonable adjustments in the environment when caring for autistic children and young people or those with a learning disability

    Insights into adjusting and managing the sensory environment with the aim of providing reasonable adjustments in care for autistic children and young people or those with a learning disability.

  1. Reasonable adjustments in communicating with autistic children and young people or those with a learning disability

    Insights into communication and language that can be personalised to the individual needs of autistic children and young people or those with a learning disability that provide reasonable adjustments to their care.

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