Children and Young People with Mental Health Needs, Autism or Learning
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Mind and Body: The Interface: MindEd
This session is aimed at a universal audience and describes how mental health problems in children can affect physical health, how emotional and behavioural problems are sometimes the first presentation of brain disorders, and how mental health disorders can develop as a consequence of poor physical health. It will also look at what help and services are available for both the child and their family.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 20 min
- Certification
- Certification
CYP in Criminal Justice: MindEd
This session is aimed at a universal audience and looks at some of the serious mental health problems that can be seen in children and young people who are in contact with the criminal justice system. It provides an overview of who can help these children and young people, and the appropriate types of mental health treatment and options that are available.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 25 min
Keeping Ourselves Strong: MindEd
This session is directed at parents and carers and covers developing the resilience to keep strong. It includes advice on learning about your child's difficulties, looking after yourself, talking to friends and family, getting support, and getting others (eg, professionals) to recognise a parent/carer's expertise in their child and achieve collaboration.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 20 min
- Easy Read
- Easy Read
Childline resources for children and young people
The Childline website offers support to children and young people about many things that impact mental health, including bullying, relationships, family, body, and school. There are various resources in different formats including information, videos, advice, and directions to get support.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Website
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
CQC Brief Guide: Ligature anchor points, ligatures and other means of self-harm using fixtures and furniture
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
This brief Care Quality Commission (CQC) guide highlights that the care provided, including trust and engagement between staff and patients, and effective treatment of mental health needs, is the core of preventing self-harm and suicide. This guide highlights that making the physical environment of mental health units, including buildings, fixtures, fittings and furniture as safe as possible, is also vital. The guide defines ligature anchor points and offers considerations of safety in these environments. These considerations are also of vital importance when caring for children and young peo...
- Date added
- 4/6/2023
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
Quick guide to Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
A quick reference guide to understanding Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
Samaritans advice: how to support someone you're worried about
Provides Samaritans' top tips to support someone you are worried about. It includes active listening tips and advice for when you are worried that someone is having suicidal thoughts.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
Brief guide: capacity and competence to consent in under 18s
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
CQC brief guide to capacity and competence in consenting for children and young people under 18 yrs. Provides context, evidence required for decision making, guidance for information sharing, policy, individual context, parental responsibility and guidance documents.
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 20 min
Sharing a Social Story with a child: Top tips for parents and carers
Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust (SCHFT)
Advice and guidance on how to read a social story to children for carers and parents. Includes top tips to be aware of when introducing social stories in your hospital.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 8 min
Key points to eliminate diagnostic overshadowing
University of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire Partnership University Foundation Trust & St George’s, University of London
Summarises the key points to avoid diagnostic overshadowing.
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
Attending the hospital for autistic children or those with a learning disability
Liz Herrieven
Aimed at emergency department staff. What is a learning disability? What is autism? How can we improve the experience for autistic patients and/or learning disability attending the ED? Why is it important?
- Date added
- 9/28/2022
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 40 min
Capacity and Consent
Adolescent Health Programme (elfh)
This session explores the UK legal framework for assessing competence in young people, with particular regard to consent to treatment. Case studies are used to explore the appropriate action to take
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
- Certification
- Certification
Domestic Abuse: MindEd
This session is aimed at more experienced/specialist users and reviews the nature and prevalence of domestic abuse, and its psychological effects on children’s development. It also considers other forms of harm that domestic abuse can cause and what action is required if this is suspected.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
Mental Capacity Act Matters
This session covers the principles of the Mental Capacity Act and looks at how to assess capacity. There are opportunities to reflect on aspects of the Mental Capacity Act and its practice. The word order ‘disabled children and young people’ is used in this and all the Disability Matters sessions. This is because disabling factors are most often external to the person and are therefore something that everyone in society can do something about.
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Interactive
What Else?: MindEd
The session defines ‘a crisis’ and the different sorts of worrying behaviours that a parent or carer might face with their young person. It offers a step by step guide on ideas of how to cope with the immediate situation as safely and calmly as possible. It covers when to refer to other services and how to access resources as needed. The session touches on what behaviours to worry about and what might be ‘normal’ child and adolescent behaviours and offers links to topics in other related sessions.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
Self-harm and Risky Behaviour: MindEd
This session is aimed at a universal audience and provides the background to self harm in children and teenagers, common associated conditions and the optimal approach to managing it in the community.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 40 min
Anna Freud mental health charity: resources, services and research for children and families
Anna Freud
Charity site bringing together the latest research, self care guides, and resources across many mental health difficulties, including loss and bereavement. Links to training enrolment for professionals in healthcare and schools. Advice and support for parents and carers, including supporting children and young people in crisis.
- Date added
- 9/28/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 60 min
Patient rights
Disability Matters
This session will describe how everyone, regardless of health condition or impairment, has a right to respect, dignity and opportunity and will explore how these rights are enshrined in national and international law.
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 20 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
- Certification
- Certification
Can you make it to the end? Understanding the experience of autistic children and young people
National Autistic Society
Gain an idea of what it is like for some autistic children and young people in public places such as hospitals and shops
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 2 min
Advocacy Matters
Disability Matters
This session explains how professionals from different sectors can help achieve better outcomes for many disabled children and young people by helping to advocate on issues that are affecting the disabled child, young person or their family, or signposting to independent advocates when appropriate. The word order ‘disabled children and young people’ is used in this and all the Disability Matters sessions. This is because disabling factors are most often external to the person and are therefore something that everyone in society can do something about.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
- Certification
- Certification
YoungMinds: Mental health conditions
This webpage offers guides to find out more about different mental health conditions, how to cope with feelings and what support is available. It is split into sections relevant for young people, parents and those working with young people. Content includes sections on: Understanding common Mental Health Disorders Anxiety ( PTSD, OCD , GAD etc) Depression Eating Disorders Self Harm Psychosomatic illness Bio/psych social Developmental Difficulties Psychosis Behavioural difficulties Substance Abuse
- generalised anxiety
- hyperactive
- mental health
- aspergers
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- autistic spectrum condition
- behaviour
- body image
- challenging behaviour
- coexisting conditions
- comorbidity
- deliberate self harm
- depression
- dysregulation
- eating disorders
- impulsive
- impairment
- mood
- paranoid
- psychotic symptoms
- risk
- self harm
- transgender
- voices
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 60 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
Reducing the need for Restrictive Practice
Department of Health and Social Care
Provides overarching summary for reducing restrictive practice, terminology defintion, priniciples, values and evidence based prevention strategies for decreasing restrictions for CYP with mental health, learning disability and autism.
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 45 min
Reflective learning scenario on self-harm
NHS Elect
This scenario based reflective learning activity is designed to facilitate the learning and development of professionals seeking to better their knowledge in recognising and caring for children and young people who self-harm. The scenario activity will cover the following topic areas: * Mehods of self-harm * Frameworks for understanding * Myths and facts about self-harm * Triggers for self-harm * Legal frameworks and self-harm * Risk and suicidal thoughts * Communication and self-harm * Resources for healthcare staff, parents/carers and young people.
- Date added
- 4/6/2023
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
Sowing Seeds: trauma informed practice for anyone working with children and young people
NHS Education Scotland
This animation was developed by NHS Education for Scotland, in partnership with the Scottish Government. It is designed to be relevant to all workers within the Scottish workforce who work with children and young people. It aims to support staff to understand the impact of trauma and to know how to adapt the way they work to make a positive difference to the lives of children and young people affected by trauma.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 11 min
We Can Talk - ED signposting card
We Can Talk
Printable card to hand out to patients in emergency departments or on wards, signposting to support for mental health difficulties and risk situations.
- Date added
- 5/8/2024
- Format
- Infographic
- Estimated duration
- 5 min
Importance of listening to families and carers: a case study
Alex and Angela's story - see the importance of listening to Alex's Mum, Angela
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 5 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
Mental Capacity Act 2005
Find out what the law says about mental capacity, who is considered to have mental capacity and what the Mental Capacity Act 2005 means.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
Understanding Disability: Reflection matters
Disability Matters
Reflection helps us recognise our limits and then improve. This session allows you to examine your thoughts and attitudes to disability in the past, how you think of it currently and how you might think about it in the future. You will have a chance to think about your experience and what you would do differently next time
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
- Certification
- Certification
Health transition resources from RCPCH
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH)
This page provides guidance and resources for delivering an effective transition from children's to adults' health services. We highlight five key determinants that ensure young people are provided with high quality care throughout the transition process
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
The Hospital Communication Book
Surrey Health Action
The book contains useful information about why people with a learning disability may have difficulties understanding your communication. It has useful tips you can use to improve communication, and pages of pictures you can use to help you communicate.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
Addressing childhood adversity and trauma
This infographic provides guidance for frontline healthcare professionals around addressing childhood adversity and trauma.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Infographic
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
Culture, Beliefs and Mental Health: MindEd
This session is aimed at a universal audience and explores how to develop an understanding of cultures, beliefs and lifestyles in relation to emotional and behavioural health.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
Hospital-based service for Young People
Adolescent Health Programme (elfh)
A task-based session asking learners to assess and consider how to improve the young people-friendliness of their clinical practice and the service in which they work.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
- Certification
- Certification
Beat Eating disorders: I need support now - support services
Beat Eating disorders
Access to free support services from Beat eating disorders. These include one to one webchat or email support, helplines including access to an interpreter for non English speaking callers, and signposts to other support systems such as self help and support groups. A formal diagnosis is not required in order to use the service.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
We Can Talk - co-produced children and young people's mental health training for hospital staff
Healthy Teen Minds
This page requires institutional access except for 2 starter modules that can be accessed with a free sign up. These are: 1. Fundamentals of compassionate care training session introducing key approaches to supporting young people in mental health crisis. 2. Wellbeing (for staff) - How do we look after ourselves? Practical strategies and attempts at humour. Following institutional sign up the site offers; • Increase knowledge, confidence and skill in supporting children and young people’s mental health. • It utilises a co-produced (with hospital staff, young people and mental health experts...
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 60 min
Treat Me Well, report by Mencap
The 'Treat Me Well' campaign is focused on finding solutions to healthcare inequalities in hospitals, and bringing about practical changes, so people with a learning disability always get the treatment they need and the equal access to healthcare they deserve.
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
Understanding self-harm and care pathways for children and young people admitted to hospital
Tim Carter and Joseph Manning, University of Nottingham
This reusable learning object (RLO) will equip registered children's nurses, student nurses and other health professionals with knowledge of self-harm in children and young people who have been admitted to hospital. It will also cover the care pathways of children and young people who self-harm.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 40 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
Vulnerable infants and Children: MindEd
This session will look at types of vulnerability that you are likely to encounter in children and young people you see in your everyday practice. It links in closely with the previous module Family health and with the modules ahead. It should encourage you to think about CYP specific vulnerability in a broad and thoughtful way. The topic matters also relates to safeguarding.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
- Certification
- Certification
Treat me well: Asking for reasonable adjustments - guidance from young people with a learning disability to help healthcare staff
Young people with a learning disability explain what a reasonable adjustment is and how it can help.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 3 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
Care Bags to support those with learning disability or autism within accident and emergency departments.
You Tube:Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust handed out care packs to people with a learning disability and autistic people who visited the hospital's emergency departments. The care bags given to patients contained items to help them navigate what could be a stressful environment in the busy accident and emergency waiting areas. This video shows Aaron recieving one of the bags during a visit to St James and he was invited to create a short film to promote the bags and share the work they are doing.
- Date added
- 4/6/2023
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 2 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
NHS guidance on reasonable adjustments
NHS England
This guidance includes a video from those with lived experience, top tips and a video explanation of the FLAG system.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 15 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
Child safeguarding toolkit
Royal College of General Practitioners
This toolkit provides busy practitioners with an easily navigable resource to ensure excellence in safeguarding practice in Primary Care.
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 60 min
Coping with self-harm: a guide for parents and carers
University of Oxford
A brochure made for family and carers of young people to cope when a young person is self-harming.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 60 min
Fabricated or Induced Illness: MindEd
This session will explore the issues surrounding fabricated or induced illness (FII) in children and identify the patterns that are associated with cases of FII. It will then investigate how to respond when faced with a case of suspected FII and offer guidance on when and how to involve children’s social care and safeguarding processes.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 20 min
Guide to mental health tribunals
A simple guide to mental health tribunals, written for young people
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
The NSPCC site offers access to understanding, resources and signposting on a range of safeguarding issues affecting CYP. This includes, child abuse, exploitation, on line bullying and safety and access to childline support.
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
Participation toolkits for schools, NHS staff, commissioners, and local authorities
These guides are aimed at professionals who work in children and young people's mental health services and aim to increase the influence of young people and parent and carer voices in making decisions and shaping services.
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 15 min
A guide for young people receiving inpatient care for their mental health
YoungMinds answers questions young people may have about going into inpatient care for mental health, what ‘being sectioned’ means and what to expect.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 20 min
Information for people with a learning disability, autistic people, families and carers on giving feedback
NHS England
A page of resources to help people give feedback, raise a concern or make a complaint.
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 15 min
How PEM clinicians can talk to teens about sex (without it being awkward)
Don't Forget the Bubbles (DFTB) / QMUL
An at a glance guide to talking to teens about sex and relationships. Gives some top tips on where and how to start the conversation.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Infographic
- Estimated duration
- 3 min
Mind and body: Don't separate the inseperable
Kings Health Partners
The mind and body are inseparable, and mental and physical health conditions are often connected. When mental and physical health problems are combined, people are less able to manage their conditions properly and their health outcomes become worse. This short animation introduces the connections between mental and physical health and some of the ways we can work to improve care for people with multiple healthcare needs.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 3 min
Risk factors and recognition of mental health conditions in those with a learning disability
This resource by Mencap highlights the many reasons why people with a learning disability are more likely to experience poor mental health.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 15 min
Core Capabilities Framework for Supporting People with a Learning Disability
Skills for Care & Skills for Health
This is an update of the ‘Learning Disability Core Skills Education and Training Framework’.
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
Supporting children with a learning disability in hospital - a resource for hospital professionals
This guide provides top tips for health professionals on how to support children with a learning disability in hospital. It also highlights the experiences of families and carers.
- admission
- communication
- familiy
- hospital passport
- learning disability
- reasonable adjustments
- reasonable measures
- augmentative and alternative communication
- autistic
- autism
- autistic spectrum condition
- carers
- easy read
- environment
- family
- families
- health inequality
- health equality
- health needs
- hospital adjustments
- hospital admission
- makaton
- special educational need
- verbal
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
A guide to behaviours of distress for autistic children and young people
National Autistic Society
Some autistic people can display distressed behaviour. It includes what would normally be considered physically aggressive behaviour, such as slapping, biting, spitting or hair pulling, but can also include other behaviours if they are having a negative impact on the person or their family. National Autistic Society gives some strategies to support
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
Managing Common Mental Health Problems
Adolescent Health Programme (elfh)
This session describes some of the broad issues to consider when managing common or potentially serious mental health problems in young people. It concentrates on generic principles including ethical considerations, the timeliness of intervention, and the involvement of parents. In the final section we consider two general problems relating to psychological well-being in young people: those of school refusal and bullying.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
- Certification
- Certification
Substance Misuse: MindEd
This session is aimed at a universal audience and focuses on identifying the presentation and underlying causes of substance misuse, including teenage binge drinking and drug abuse and exploring the treatment options available to young people.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 20 min
Constipation in children and young people with learning disability
Constipation can be dangerous for people with a learning disability - get the diagnosis right
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 5 min
Why a hospital passport is important
Information and a video case study demonstrating the life saving importance of a hospital passport.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
Communication with children and young people who have self-harmed
Tim Carter and Joseph Manning, University of Nottingham
This reusable learning object (RLO) will equip registered children's nurses, student nurses and other health professionals with communication skills and strategies to improve care for children and young people who are admitted to hospital following an incident of self-harm.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
Assessing risk and managing safety with children and young people admitted with self-harm
Tim Carter and Joseph Manning, University of Nottingham
This reusable learning object (RLO) will equip registered children's nurses, student nurses and other health professionals with information about how to assess and manage risk with children and young people admitted to children's wards with self-harm.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
Use of Force Act (2018) Statutory Guidance
Department of Health and Social Care
Otherwise known as Seni's Law, this act is as a result of a individuals death whilst in an in patient mental health facility. The code of practice is awaiting release, however the statutory guidance provides expectations on services in the use and monitoring of restrictive practice. Applicable to acute and paediatric settings, where a CYP is detained under the MHA.
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 45 min
Mental health in children - deciding what's best together
National Children's Bureau
Provides an understanding of making decisions together in mental health, brought to you by a team of young people, through video, sketches, interviews and key statistics.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 3 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
NICE guidance - self-harm: assessment, management and preventing recurrence
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Guideline covering assessment, management and preventing recurrence for children, young people and adults who have self-harmed. It includes those with a mental health problem, neurodevelopmental disorder or learning disability and applies to all sectors that work with people who have self-harmed. In this guideline, self-harm is defined as intentional self-poisoning or injury, irrespective of the apparent purpose. The guideline does not cover repetitive, stereotypical self-injurious behaviour (such as head banging).
- Date added
- 12/6/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
Understanding Eating Disorders – Signs, Symptoms and Causes
Beat Eating disorders and Royal College of Psychiatrists
An eating disorder is a complex and serious mental health issue. This e-Learning will equip you with the knowledge and skills to understand, identify and screen for eating disorders.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
- Certification
- Certification
A tool to assess the health and well being for children and young people with a learning disability or autism
East London NHS Foundation Trust
This easy read guide is designed to support completion of the DIALOG feedback tool. An assessment tool of health and wellbeing.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 5 min
- Easy Read
- Easy Read
Top reasonable adjustments in the work place for staff with a learning disability
Health Watch Herefordshire
Provides an overview to some workplace reasonable adjustments for those who have a learning disability.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 8 min
Understanding Moral Injury
Health Education England- You Tube
Describes the concept of Moral Injury to staff that can be applied to situations or circumstances where staff have been injured psychologically due to decisions outside their control during high intensity circumstances i.e. the covid pandemic. This applies equally to the complexity and intensity of supporting CYP experiencing high levels of distress within mental health inpatient services, or within acute and paediatric care.
- Date added
- 9/28/2022
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
What is autism? Videos, information and guidance
National Autistic Society
Watch this video to find out more about what autism is, co-produced by autistic people.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 3 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
What is a learning disability?
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust
A clinical psychologist explains the three key areas that constitute the diagnosis of a learning disability.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 5 min
Eating Disorders: MindED
This session gives parents basic information and advice about the eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating and similar behaviour, that do not usually meet threshold criteria. It is not intended to address childhood obesity or infant eating difficulties.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 20 min
The role of General Practitioners' in ADHD diagnosis and management
University of Nottingham
A really insightful guide for general practitioners (GPs) to support them in their role of the diagnosis and management of ADHD.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 25 min
Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
HELM Open, University of Nottingham
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): myths and facts.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
Pictures to illustrate sensory differences in hospital
National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi)
Pictures illustrating some common sensory differences experienced by autistic people in hospitals.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Infographic
- Estimated duration
- 5 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
Comprehensive guide to assessing risk by RCPSYCH
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Comprehensive guide to factors to consider when assessing risk and links to formulating risk management plans.
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 20 min
Behaviours of distress: supporting your loved one
Challenging Behaviour Foundation
Identification and validation for parents and carers of children and young people who demonstrate behaviours of distress at home. It includes forms of support and strategies to implement at home, which are also applicable to a ward setting.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
- Easy Read
- Easy Read
Post-traumatic stress disorder and 'watchful waiting'
Explains what post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is, including possible causes, what "watchful waiting" is, and how to access treatment and support. Includes tips to help individuals, and guidance for friends and family.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
- Easy Read
- Easy Read
Support if you are going into hospital - Learning disabilities
NHS England
Going into hospital can be a worrying time for some people with a learning disability. This NHS guidance describes extra support people with learning disabilities can get while in hospital.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
DisDAT - Disability Distress Assessment Tool
Choice Forum
The DisDAT tool is intended to help identify distress cues in individuals who have severely limited communication.
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 5 min
Common Legal Frameworks applying to CYP
Dr Claire Purcell- Sheffield Childrens NHS Foundation Trust
Provides overview of legal frameworks and mental health act detentions applicable to CYP mental health. Contains content on Section 2 and 3 of MHA, temporary holding powers and treatment without consent.
- Date added
- 7/27/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
Some Specialised Therapies: MindEd
This session is aimed at a universal audience and describes the main evidence-based therapies used for the majority of mental health problems in children and young people. The principles of each model will be discussed and linked to specific disorders being treated. The session will also illustrate the key stages of assessment and treatment and the rationale and utilisation of specific techniques.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
A guide to the transition process for disabled young people
Department of Health
Key information for professionals about the transition process for disabled young people
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
How Environment Affects Children's Mental Health: MindEd
This session is aimed at a universal audience and looks at the social and environmental factors associated with children and young people’s mental health. It also explores the ways in which they may have an impact, so that potential difficulties and risks can be identified.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
Going to hospital due to behaviours of distress for people with a learning disability
NHS Choices
A guide for families and carers
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 20 min
Confidentiality, Consent, Capacity and Ethics: MindEd
This session is aimed at more experienced users and covers recognising how to maintain client safety and work ethically with children and young people.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
Using your HEADS-ED
Don't Forget The Bubbles (DFTB)
A review of the paper: "The HEADS-ED: Evaluating the Use of a Brief, Action-Oriented, Pediatric Mental Health Screening Tool." Cappelli M, Zemek R, Polihronis C, Thibedeau NR, Kennedy A, Gray C, Jabbour M, Reid S, Cloutier P. Clinical Pediatr Emerg Care. 2020 Jan;36(1):9-15
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
YoungMinds Crisis Messenger
Provides free crisis support during a crisis – this is available every day of the week, at any time day or night. All that is required is to text YM to 85258. All texts are answered by trained volunteers, with support from experienced clinical supervisors
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
Stop people dying too young - LeDeR report response
Inclusion North
See what the Stop people dying too young group say about the LeDeR Report 2020.
- Date added
- 5/8/2024
- Format
- Website
- Estimated duration
- 8 min
- Lived Experience
- Lived Experience
Behavioural issues in children
Paediatric FOAMEd (Website)
Emotional and behavioural problems in children and young people are complex. This brief overview is intended to give you a framework to better understand issues in children and some practical tips on management.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
Mental Health of Children and Young People in England, 2021
NHS Digital
This report examines the mental health of 6 to 23 year olds living in England in 2021 and describes their experiences of family life, education, and services during the coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic. Comparisons are made with 2017 and 2020 (where possible), to monitor changes over time.
- Date added
- 5/8/2024
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
Top tips for communicating effectively with autistic people
Ambitious about Autism
9 easy tips to adapt your communication and make an essential reasonable adjustment
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
Supporting Teenage Mental Heath
stem4 is a charity that promotes positive mental health in teenagers and those who support them including their families and carers, education professionals, as well as school nurses and GPs through the provision of mental health education, resilience strategies and early intervention. Diagnosis specific resources for: - eating Disorders - depression - self-harm - anxiety - addiction Includes mental health promotion apps and resources for parents, schools, teenagers, professionals and friends.
- Date added
- 5/8/2024
- Format
- Website
- Estimated duration
- 60 min
Tics and Twitches: MindEd
This session is aimed at a universal audience and covers recognising tics and related behaviours, such as OCD and OCB, in CYP.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
Safety Planning: MindED
The focus of this session is Safety Planning. It is designed to support early and effective intervention in the quest to prevent self-harm and suicide amongst children and young people. You will explore some of the key communication and relational issues. These must be closely attended to in order to co-create effective safety plans. And of course, we describe what Safety plans are and look like.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
Conversation starters for carers of children and young people
YoungMinds - via NHS Futures website
Starting a conversation with a child can be difficult, especially if you’re worried that they’re having a hard time. These posters show some conversation ideas to help you start things off. These were created for parents and families however some aspects could be useful for carers in hospital.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Infographic
- Estimated duration
- 3 min
Autism and mental health resources
National Autistic Society
Guidance on a range of mental health topics, from addiction to sucide, for autistic people
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 5 min
Understanding safeguarding for people with a learning disability
Keele University with Reach
Easy read guidance to help understand safeguarding and keeping yourself safe
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
Eating disorders: a guide for friends and family
Beat Eating disorders
This booklet is for anyone supporting someone with an eating disorder. This might be a family member, a friend, a partner, a colleague. It covers types of eating disorder, possible causes, how you can help, and treatment. It also gives guidance on taking care of yourself.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 60 min
NICE clinical guideline for the recognition and treatment of eating disorders
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Eating disorders standards by National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE)
- Date added
- 9/28/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
How to plan ahead for patients with a learning disability that may exhibit behaviours of distress when attending hospitals
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust
Jack Mouncey, Deputy Manager of the Intensive Support Service, speaks about ways to support behaviours of distress.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 5 min
Information and resources on learning disability
Video explaining what a learning disability is, plus information and links about different types of learning disability, diagnosis and support.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 5 min
Webinar on learning from lives and deaths of people with a learning disability and autistic people
NHS Improvement
See the latest statistics and ways to improve healthcare outcomes
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
Developing communication skills for individuals with multiple disabilities
Communication Matters
This guide supports you to take your first communication steps with individuals with multiple disabilities.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 8 min
Top Tips for supporting and meeting the needs of people with Profound and Multiple Learning Disability (PMLD)
Midlands and East NHS
A guide giving top tips on all aspects of supporting people with Profound and Multiple Learning Disability (PMLD).
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 20 min
Mental Health Assessments, including risk and history taking: MindEd
This session is aimed at a universal audience and describes the key areas covered when assessing children and young people’s mental health.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 25 min
Guide to the law on Deprivation of Liberty of Children
A brief overview of the interactions CYP may have with Deprivation of Liberty, depending on age, ccomidation, capacity, care orders. Includes information relating to the DOL's application process.
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 15 min
Eating Disorders: information from Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
This webpage summarises types of eating disorders, how eating disorders affect mental health, how to spot the signs of an eating disorder, and describes what schools and further education settings can do.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
Public Health Network Cymru (Wales)
This film has been developed to raise awareness of ACEs, their potential to damage health across the life course and the roles that different agencies can play in preventing ACEs and supporting those affected by them. The film has been produced for Public Health Wales and Blackburn with Darwen Local Authority.
- Date added
- 2/9/2022
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 6 min
Clinician resources for eating disorders and autism
PEACE is a Pathway for Eating disorders and Autism developed from Clinical Experience. Research suggests that around 35% of people experiencing an eating disorder may may have autism, or present with high levels of autistic traits. These resources support professionals in understanding and providing support for both.
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Video
- Estimated duration
- 5 min
Unexplained Physical Symptoms: MindEd
This session is aimed at a universal audience and covers common physical symptoms and their associations with psychological problems and emotional disorders in children. General management principles will be provided for use by both non-medical and medical practitioners.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 20 min
Through our eyes: what parents want for their children from health professionals
University of Hertfordshire/Hertfordshire Partnership University Foundation Trust & St George’s, University of London
Parents who are all experts by parental experience, talk about their experiences with health professionals, both positive and negative, and what would really help them and their children. Jim Blair provides summaries and suggestions for improvements for these families.
- Date added
- 2/22/2022
- Format
- Text
- Estimated duration
- 10 min
Recognising Common Mental Health Problems
Adolescent Health Programme (elfh)
This session describes the features of some of the most common, and some of the most serious of mental health disorders in adolescence and the characteristics that may help distinguish them from each other. It also describes some of the important stages of assessing a young person presenting with mental health problems, particularly when these seem more complex.
- Date added
- 3/18/2022
- Format
- Interactive
- Estimated duration
- 30 min
- Certification