Children and Young People with Mental Health Needs, Autism or Learning Disability

Rapid Access List Understanding children and young people who are autistic or have a learning disability

Rapidly gets you to an area of interest, learning pathway, or experience-appropriate content


  • I am a health care professional and would like to have a core understanding of learning disability, learning difficulties and autism to adjust or support my care and treatment of children and young people and their parents or carers within the emergency department or on a paediatric ward.

About this list:

Insight into differentiating between learning difficulties and a learning disability as well as a core understanding of autism, to support emergency department and paediatric staff to understand pertinent issues that may be present within their departments.

We also encourage you to explore the resources provided by your local employer to support care of these children and young people. We hope the contents of these lists will provide helpful complementary resources where needed.

Primary resources:

Duration: 23 minutes

  • Information and resources on learning disability


    Video explaining what a learning disability is, plus information and links about different types of learning disability, diagnosis and support.

    Date added
    Estimated duration
    5 min
  • What is autism? Videos, information and guidance

    National Autistic Society

    Watch this video to find out more about what autism is, co-produced by autistic people.

    Date added
    Estimated duration
    3 min
    Lived Experience
    Lived Experience
  • Diagnostic overshadowing and learning disability: a young person's perspective

    Alex (Spike55 on YouTube)

    This video shows a young man called Alex, describing his own experiences of diagnostic overshadowing. Alex provides advice throughout the video from a young person's perspective, and highlights the risks for this population of patients.

    Date added
    Estimated duration
    5 min
    Lived Experience
    Lived Experience
  • Key points to eliminate diagnostic overshadowing

    University of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire Partnership University Foundation Trust & St George’s, University of London

    Summarises the key points to avoid diagnostic overshadowing.

    Date added
    Estimated duration
    10 min

Further resources

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

This provides additional information for the learner looking to extend their exploration of the subject matter beyond the initial rapid access list.

  • The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism

    NHS England

    A standardised, mandatory training programme for health and social care staff. The training is named after Oliver McGowan. Oliver was a young man whose death shone a light on the need for health and social care staff to have better skills, knowledge and understanding of the needs for autistic people and people with a learning disability. The training was developed as a result of Right to be Heard the Government’s response to the consultation on mandatory training on learning disability and autism for health and social care staff.

    Date added
    Estimated duration
    90 min

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