Children and Young People with Mental Health Needs, Autism or Learning Disability

Rapid Access List Support and supervision

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  • I am a Healthcare Professional
  • I would like to know what support and supervision is available to help me care for myself when looking after CYP with complex needs

About this list:

A selection of resources for healthcare professionals to reflect on practice, value-based adjustments and provide practical support to maintain wellbeing.

We also encourage you to explore the resources provided by your local employer to support care of these children and young people. We hope the contents of these lists will provide helpful complementary resources where needed.

Primary resources:

Duration: 20 minutes

  • Understanding Moral Injury

    Health Education England- You Tube

    Describes the concept of Moral Injury to staff that can be applied to situations or circumstances where staff have been injured psychologically due to decisions outside their control during high intensity circumstances i.e. the covid pandemic. This applies equally to the complexity and intensity of supporting CYP experiencing high levels of distress within mental health inpatient services, or within acute and paediatric care.

    Date added
    Estimated duration
    10 min
  • Professional Quality of Life compassion fatigue worksheet

    Henry E. Stamm, IV, PhD, Eastwoods, ProQOL

    An introduction to the concept of compassion fatigue and some practices healthcare professionals can consider to aid prevention or recovery from compassion fatigue.

    Date added
    Estimated duration
    10 min

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