Children and Young People with Mental Health Needs, Autism or Learning Disability

Rapid Access List Eating disorders

Rapidly gets you to an area of interest, learning pathway, or experience-appropriate content


  • I am a healthcare professional
  • I want to have a basic understanding of eating disorders

About this list:

A synopsis of the range of eating disorders, quick hints and tips on management, access to the most up to date evidence, guides for assessment and treatment and printable support guides.

We also encourage you to explore the resources provided by your local employer to support care of these children and young people. We hope the contents of these lists will provide helpful complementary resources where needed.

Primary resources:

Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes

  • Tips for children and young people’s feeding and eating disorders


    Developed for professionals working across healthcare; from primary and universal care to hospital general paediatric services through to specialist Child and Young People Mental Health Services (CYPMHS). The four tip sheets provide you with quick access learning on feeding and eating disorders in children and young people. 1. What to be aware of  2. What to look out for  3. What medical investigations   4. What to do

    Date added
    Estimated duration
    20 min
  • Understanding Eating Disorders – Signs, Symptoms and Causes

    Beat Eating disorders and Royal College of Psychiatrists

    An eating disorder is a complex and serious mental health issue. This e-Learning will equip you with the knowledge and skills to understand, identify and screen for eating disorders.

    Date added
    Estimated duration
    30 min
  • MEED summary sheets

    Medical Emergencies in Eating Disorders (MEED)

    Reference guide summaries of the Medical Emergencies in Eating Disorders guidance for 14 different professional groups including nurses, doctors of different specialities and AHPs, teams, relatives and the children and young people.

    Date added
    Estimated duration
    10 min
  • MEED Hospital Admission

    Medical Emergencies in Eating Disorders (MEED)

    A quick introduction to the challenge facing front line staff seeing children and young people with eating disorders needing urgent care.

    Date added
    Estimated duration
    10 min

Carer or parent resources

Duration: 20 minutes

These are some resources that are great to share with the child or young person or their family. Healthcare professionals may also find them useful as they give an insight into the understanding required by the child or young person and their families, and they may help address questions posed to the healthcare professional.

  • Eating problems: a guide for parents and carers


    For parents and carers who are concerned about their child’s behaviour around food, or that their child has been diagnosed with an eating disorder. This resource offers access to information about eating disorders, and advice about getting the right help for children. It is intended to show parents and carers they are not alone.

    Date added
    Estimated duration
    10 min
  • Supporting a young person with restrictive eating disorder

    Children and Family Health Devon

    Parent or carer information about management of eating disorders. Includes understanding symptoms, meal planning, strategies families find helpful, understanding triggers, support for behaviour and family support.

    Date added
    Estimated duration
    10 min

Further resources

Duration: 50 minutes

These resources provide additional information for the learner looking to extend their exploration of the subject matter beyond the initial rapid access list.

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